Messages for celebrating the 20th anniversary of the Entrepreneur Engineering
中村修二(Shuji Nakamura)
加納剛太(Gota Kano)
We offer you our congratulations for the 20th year anniversary of the Entrepreneur Engineering of which concept has been established in 1998 for the first time in Japan.The mission of Entrepreneur Engineering is to provide all youth who are challenging themselves to create new innovations in all fields, with a specific focus on “Creating Values”. The activities were first started at Kochi University of Technology and then expanded to all over Japan with a strong support of ITE (The Institute of Image Information and Television Engineers).
Also, we are grateful to Stanford University, University of Colorado at Colorado Springs, National Chao Tung University, Harbin Institute of Technology, Shenzhen Graduate School for continuous cooperation and support.It is our great pleasure to recall the days and events that we have enjoyed all together during these 20 years.
The science and technology are changing in a way far beyond the human’s perspectives. What should be the “Value “ for human to create for the future?
Carlos Paz de Araujo
The Entrepreneurial Engineering Program that you helped to create with the late Dr. Mizuno, was one of the greatest key points of many peoples career. Our interaction with Stanford and leaders of the industry was a great moment for all involved and just like the ancient hero of Kochi, it opened Japan to higher vistas.
Congratulations on your upcoming Teleconference Lecture from Osaka to Kochi and Tokyo on July 7th at 1 pm Japan time.I benefited very much as a participant in those marathon lectures that you put together at Kochi. Your ability to bring Industry leaders and academia made those lectures a great converging point to all involved, including the students.
Earlier in my career, your help in bringing out the Ferroelectric Memory into the real world and your continuous support in many ways made it possible to create my professional achievements. In fact, I would not have been able to do my life’s work without you, Thank you very much for your constant inspiration and support. Again, CONGRATULATION!
こちらもどうぞ, こちらもどうぞ(2) こちらもどうぞ(3)
古池 進 (Susumu Koike)
本書は, 人間の生き方、考え方、などの価値観を根本から変える新しいパラダイムを生み出す源泉として、“ディープ・イノベーション”を定義し、それを可能ならしめる基本的な要素について述べることを目的としたものである。
本書では、3つの事例を紹介し、この ディープ・イノベーション とは何かについて考察を加えている。いずれの事例でも、イノベーションの三つの基本要素である、ニーズ、シーズ、アーキテクチャーの深い思索が前提になっている。この一連の事例展開の中で、カルロス・アロージョ氏は、JR /SUICA カードの実現とそれによる新しい社会システムの実現に導いたFeRAMの発明から究極の不揮発性メモリ・CeRaMのシーズの展開について述べている。読者諸君にとって最も重要なことは、このCeRAMはFeRAMの発展形では無いということを理解することである。これは、眞にパラダイムシフトを起こす ディープ・イノベーションの実践事例なのである。何故、彼がこれを達成できたのか? それを知っていただければ本書の著者として望外の喜びである。彼の深い知識と洞察力はすべての基本であることは言うまでもないが、加えて、彼には自分で気づかない大きな器量として多様性というものが彼の身に備わっていただのはないかと私は思う。多様性を大切にすることは、必ずしも効率が良いこととは限らない。人々にとっては、どんな完成度の高い優れた独裁国家よりも自由を愛することのできる国家のほうが好ましい。多様性を受け入れることは民主主義の要諦ではないだろうか。効率的では無いかも知れないが健全なのだ。それ故に世界の叡智が彼の下に集まりデープ・イノベーションを達成出来たのだと私は考える。
Richard B. Dasher
I’m delighted to learn that you have started to post blogs on your website. I am certain that your blogs will be a source of
inspiration as well as information and knowledge about engineering entrepreneurship. This is a wonderful way to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the founding of the Entrepreneur Engineering program at Kochi University of Technology.
I will always consider it a treasure that I could participate in various lectures and programs you organized at KUT and
throughout Japan with top business executives, inventors, and successful entrepreneurs. Now I look forward to following
the discussion on your website, which I am certain will be equally high quality and stimulating.
Very best wishes for your continued success and good health!
Larry F. Weber
Dear Dr. Gota Kano,
Thank you very much for inviting me to be a guest lecturer so many times during the early days of the Entrepreneur Engineering program at Kochi University of Technology. The KUT students were always quite eager to listen to the captivating story of our adventure to develop the plasma TV.
This is a major business success story but it is also a story of the many difficulties and challenges that all entrepreneurs must conquer along the road to success. We followed the fundamental principle that you frequently
stated: “never give up”. I was very fortunate to be both a guest lecturer at KUT and to also be your student during the years at Panasonic when we worked together on the plasma TV. こちらからもどうぞ
Dr. Larry F. Weber
Retired President and CEO, Plasmaco Division of Panasonic
Nicky Lu
When I received your email, a pleasant feeling just like an old-day China wiseman Confucius said, “it’s such a great pleasure to hear from an old friend from a distance and after so many years”, especially that message from you – Professor Kano.
Herewith I would most sincerely like to send you my congratulations for so many good things that you have mentioned in your email: (1) although It was mentioned that you are 80 years old but I’m glad that you are living so well and energetic to keep your own professional interests and make contributions to beloved human societies; (2) it’s great to know that you published three books on “Entrepreneur Engineering”, which is so valuable especially for both you and me to know, have shared and continue in believing high valuations of entrepreneurship made to the human societies; (3) it’s wonderful to know that this is the 20th-year anniversary of the Entrepreneur Engineering activities at Kochi University of Technology by you and it’s lovely to recall my precious memories of going to KUT to share my Entrepreneur experiences with you and your students; (4) it’s great to know that Carlos and you are so persistent to bring Carlos’s novel technology and Symetrix to realize final product contributions which especially being adopted as an ARM’s IP, as both emerging memory and new security way are one of the hottest subjects in the future AI world! (5) Moreover, it’s a pleasure to hear that you will give a commemorative special lecture on July 7th at KUT, which I believe will be a milestone time and event for KUT’s faculties, students and technical leaders from Japan and worldwide to be further reminded and stimulated by your persistent contributions, experiences and advices in both fields covering advanced technologies and entrepreneur education!
I have been working on preparing my own messages to celebrate this important event of yours, especially expressing my respect to and friendship with you, especially I would like to witness as such a dedicated Japanese high-tech leader in both industry and academia successes like you. But some difficulty is that my secretary and myself may not still be able to find some appropriate photographs back to those years; is it possible that I just wrote my messages on my thoughts which I would like to express without photographs; こちらもどうぞ
冨澤 治 (Osamu Tomisawa)
Professor Kano, congratulations on the 20th Anniversary of “Entrepreneurial Engineering”Let me introduce two things which were impressive for me since I joined KUT in 2003. The first one was a figure which appears in the paper work for application of KUT graduate school establishment. It shows positioning of the entrepreneur engineering course in KUT graduate school. The graduate school was supposed to consist of electronics, civil engineering and other variety of independent engineering courses. Here, “entrepreneur engineering course” was positioned as a common course so that other engineering students can take the course. I believed this structure works effectively to narrow the gap between engineering and business.The 2nd point was that I had an opportunity to present a paper entitled “Entrepreneur engineering – a new concept of engineering education” at the IEEE International Engineering Management Conference which was held in Canada. This was the first time to announce the entrepreneur engineering concept to the global world.I hope research and education area of the entrepreneur engineering will diffuse widely.
加納先生、起業工学設立20周年おめでとうございます。2003年高知工科大へ赴任以来加納先生とご一緒に起業工学に関する教育研究に携わせていただきましたがここでは極めて印象に残った2つのことについてだけ紹介させていただきます。最初のイベントは高知工科大大学院設置の申請書に記載されている起業家コースの位置づけの図を見たときです。技術の変化は社会にインパクトを与え、社会ニーズの変化は技術に影響します。工学に基づいて構築された技術も製品化、事業化され社会に提供されないと意味がありません。この工学と経営の橋渡しとも言える境界領域について過去学界、産業界で多くの議論が行われてきました。アメリカに拠点を置く最大の電子系学会であるIEEEは技術とマネジメントを結びつける重要性を古くから認識しEngineering Management Society(現在はTechnology and Engineering Management Society)というソサエティを設けて活動してきています。1999年に高知工科大学に大学院が設置されましたがこの設置申請の書類には工学とビジネスを橋渡しする起業家コースの位置づけが図のようにクリアに述べられています。すなわち工学系の専門コースに混じって起業家コースが設置されると同時に起業家コースの教育プログラムは工学系の専門コースの学生からも共通に履修できる仕組みを示しています。工科系の大学院でのはじめての試みと思いますが大学院設置時点で社会人教育を含めた起業家コースの意義を示しているものとして印象に残っています。いうまでもなくこの起業家コースの教育の核となるものが起業工学の考え方です。2番目は先ほど述べたIEEEの国際会議にて起業工学について論文発表を行ったことです。国内の映像情報メディア学会での普及活動は進んでいましたが、海外にアピールする必要を感じ、加納先生と連名でEntrepreneur Engineering – A New concept of Engineering Educationというタイトルの論文をカナダで開催された国際エンジニアリング・マネジメント会議で発表できたことです。以来この学会で出会ったイリノイ大学のブルース・ボジャック先生らとも交流できる機会となりました。これからの起業工学のますますの発展、普及を祈っています。 こちらからもどうぞ
倉重光宏 ( Mitsuhiro Kurashige)
杜 桂栄 (Du Guirong)
As one of the first graduates in the course of Entrepreneur Engineering in Kochi University of Technology, I always feel lucky to have such opportunity to watch closely of Japanese business world. In 1999, I attended this course with a lot of questions, and among them were “why Japan has so many world top companies in the world though her size and population is only 1/12 of that of China? “, “What is the difference of management style between Japanese managers and Chinese managers”. With these two questions and others, I started my wonderful journey of exploring Japanese entrepreneurs and this has lasted till today, and will last for forever.
From the courses given by the professors from the science and business world, I was very much surprised that most of Japanese business men are with engineering background, while most Chinese business men are with literature background, which has led to different results in products and business service. With the engineering background, and paying attention to every detail in their work, Japanese entrepreneurs continuously produce innovation and high-tech companies, which left me life-long wonderful experience. I went back to China after I received PhD from Entrepreneur Engineering Course in 2002, to the active city Shenzhen, with so many dreaming young people. I also brought back the notion of Entrepreneur Engineering to China and started to educate the Chinese young people to learn from Japan. With the help of Professor Kano, we started the first course of Entrepreneur Engineering Course in Shenzhen Graduate School of Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT). We successfully held TV conference from three sites of KUT-HIT-Stanford, and held international business plan contest with candidates from Japan, Hong Kong and Mainland China. Thanks to Prof. Kano’s instruction, we have made progress in the education of Entrepreneur Engineering.
My experience from Entrepreneur Engineering, my experience with Prof. Kano, and with the entrepreneur classmates and friends have made my life wonderful. The continuous communication and friendship with the Japanese have made Japan my second hometown. Thank you, Japan, and thanks to all of you, my Japanese friends.
田路則子 ( Noriko Taji )
石綿 宏 ( Hiroshi Ishiwata )
両角伸二 ( Shinji MOrozumi )
永野正展 ( Masanobu Nagano )
平木明敏 ( Aketoshi Hiraki )
當金一郎 ( Ichiro Toukin )
刈谷宣政 ( Nob umasa Kariya )
山崎 修 ( Osamu Yamasaki )
Julie 妙子 Gramlich
深田真由 ( Mayu Fukada )
松野年伸 ( Toshinobu Matsuno )
佐藤礼奈・太田聖二 (Rena Sato・Seiji Ota )
Jesper Gluckstad