4/8 「起業工学」設立20周年記念特別公開講座のご案内
① 高知工科大学大学院特別公開講座
* 講師;加納剛太(高知工科大学名誉教授)
* 日時;平成30年7月7(土)日 13:00時~15:00時
* 場所;東京・大阪・高知を結ぶテレビ・システムを使って、それぞれ、下記の拠点で開催致します。
② 京都工芸繊維大学大学院特別公開セミナー
* シリコンバレーの革新的エコシステム; 文化と成功要因
* 講師;加納剛太(京都工芸繊維大学客員教授)、冨澤治(高知工科大学名誉教授)、Julie Glamlish
(京都大学大学院留学生-LinkedIn Profile)
* 日時;平成30年7月18(水)日 14:30~16:00
* 場所;京都工芸繊維大学60周年記念ホール(予定)
” Silicon Valley’s Innovative Ecosystem: The Cultural & Environmental Success Factors”
We have a plan of the open seminar on Entrepreneur Engineering at KIT(Kyoto Institute of Technology) with the title of ” Silicon Valley’s Innovative Ecosystem: The Cultural & Environmental Success Factors”, on July 18, 2018 by inviting Ms. Julie Gramlich (https://www.linkedin.com/in/julietaeko/) from the Silicon Valley as a guest.
Silicon Valley has the fundamental building blocks for start-ups to succeed. Coupled with its unique culture of promoting failure, motivating employees both extrinsically and intrinsical…ly, building platforms, collaborating, thinking big, promoting diversity, inclusion, and community, and finally, leading with a customer-first mentality, it’s no wonder that Silicon Valley has become the preeminent location for developing groundbreaking technologies. The goal of this presentation is to shed light on the cultural and environmental factors that have fostered Silicon Valley’s development as an incubator for groundbreaking technology. (Interactive lecture: students participation requested)