3/20 平成30年を振り返って In memory of my Heisei 30 years
それは、私にとっては、プラズマテレビと Fe/CeRAM との挑戦の歴史だった。勝も負けるも、ただ、戦うことがすべてであった。懐かしい思い出が、今なお、鮮明に焼き付いている。それは、盟友への感謝の心と共に、永遠に消えることはないだろう。
In memories of Heisei 30 years which is now going to be closed, “The Plasma TV and The Fe/CeRAM” are those still vividly remaining in my mind.
My sworn friends are always living together in my life taht will never disappear.
“祇園精舎の鐘の声 諸行無常の響きあり
沙羅双樹の花の色 盛者必衰の理をあらはす
おごれる人も久しからず ただ春の夜の夢のごとし
たけき者もつひには滅びぬ ひとへに風の前の塵に同じ”
The pealing of the bells of the Jetavana temple ring with the sound of the
impermanence of all material things.
The color of the paired Sala trees gives witness to the truth that all who
flourish must necessarily perish.
Those who flaunt their pleasures are not long for the world; they are as brief
as the dream of a Spring night.
And the brave ones are vanquished in the end; they are merely as specks
of dust before the wind.