
3/20 The future is Asian: Where will GAFA/BATH go ? 19世紀はヨーロッパ、20世紀はアメリカ、そして、21世紀はアジア?

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GAFA / BATH この世界は資本主義・自由経済のなかでどうなっていくのだろうか? 5G・IoT・AI とキーワードは毎日あふれるばかり。” THE FUTURE IS ASIAN ” 本当だろうか?
What will be the real future ? , Where will GAFA/BATH go ?
The new book ” The Future is Asian” says an imporatant message ;”The impermanence of all material things!” The 19th century was for European, the 20th century was for American, and the 21st century is for Asian.

Proper financing, more dominant players and a clearer industrial policy would give Europe’s entrepreneurs a better footing.