5/21 Micro but mighty: Semiconductors remain the key to technology leadership;新しい社会変革への鍵はやはり半導体技術
The world is changing so rapidly and remarkably requesting a new concept of “Social Order” like the social distance being used for the Corona Pandemic. The digital technology is still a key with increased innovations on semiconductors.
AC元年:2020 世界の人類は「新しい日常」を生きるための社会変革に挑戦していかねばなりません。デジタル技術はその原点にあります。新しい「社会秩序:Social Distance」という一つの基本概念をデジタル技術の中に組み込まねばなりません。半導体技術と産業はその基本を支えるものです。
The U.S. needs a more expansive strategy to maintain its lead in this field, and that means working closely with its allies, especially Japan.

The U.S. needs a more expansive strategy to maintain its lead in this field, and that means working closely with its allies, especially Japan.