
10/9 老いを知る Understanding Aging




老齢化のせいでしょうか、お医者さんに接する機会が多くなりました。いろいろと医学に関する話を聞かしていただけることが楽しみのひとつなってきています。そんな中で、最近、深く印象に残った話題があります。それは、私が60年を越える長い間、仕事として共にしてきた半導体工学と共通する話題です。今になっても理解ができていない量子力学の概念が、医学、生命科学など人間の生命そのものと密接に関わっているという現代の医学に関する内容で、私にとっては大変興味深いものです。 “老いを知る” とはこう言うことかとびっくりしている次第です。
エントロピーという言葉と概念に私が最初に出会ったのは、大阪大学工学部電気工学科3年生の時でした。それ以来60年を越える長い間、私の頭と身体に付きまとい、今日に至っても未だ理解することのできない “わけのわからない難題” のひとつです。今日の経済発展の糧となった半導体産業を支える基本的な科学~量子力学~の原点となっている概念であることはご承知の方が多いと思います。
がんや脳卒中など人間の生命や病気に関わる医学への応用という見地からのお話を見聞きしいていると、エントロピーそして量子力学の意味がなんとなく現実味を帯びてくるような気になってくるのです。エントロピーとは、人間を構成するおよそ60兆個の細胞に対して “無秩序さ” を表す概念、すなわち、“ゴミ”という概念として捉えると良いという説明がなされています。この説明は、分かりやすく、私の理解を促進してくれます。原子の中の電子などの粒子の動きも、そうだったのかとわかってきたような気になってきます。細胞の動きの “無秩序さ” は老齢化するにしたがって増えていく、すなはち、“エントロピー増大の原理” は普遍的なものとして人間にも適用されていると説明されています。この説明は特にわかりやすく、量子力学の理解に大変役に立つような気がしています。ついでに、との思いから、「生命とは何か:WHAT IS LIFE?~The Physical Aspect of Living Cell by Erwin Schrodinger」や「量子力学で生命の謎を解く:Life on the Edge by Jim AL-Khalili & Jonejoe McFadden」などの図書をなんとなく読んでみたたくなってきました。“無秩序なエントロピー” の増大を抑え、“秩序あるエントロピー” とバランスさせる力は何なのか、それが生命力だという説明には力強い説得力を感じます。更に、それも、生化学的に酸化と還元という自然界で最も基本的な作用で説明できるのだということを知り、この宇宙の真理の普遍さと偉大さに驚くこととなりました。人間の誕生は神によってもたらせられたものであるという神話やダーウインの進化論などにも興味が至り、人類の誕生に関して詳細がかかれている国際ベストセラー「サピエンス全史」(SAPIENS:A Brief History of Humankind by Noah Harari)をも枕元に置いて読む楽しみが生まれてきました。
宇宙誕生の謎、人類(ヒト)誕生の謎、ひいては現代の社会現象発生の謎~アメリカのトランピスト騒動、イギリスのブレグジット騒動、香港の若者騒動、北朝鮮の核騒動、スエーデン少女の環境発言騒動~などなど、時代を超えて発生する人間社会における騒動、“秩序と無秩序” の問題を包括的に考えてみる必要があるように思えてなりません。行き過ぎた資本主義経済の中で “無秩序なエントロピー” 増大の問題に悩む人たちが世界にはたくさんいるのだと思えてきました。
1933年にノーベル賞を受賞した量子力学の元祖である “シュレーデインガー方程式” を当てはめてこの問題を考察いていくのも面白いのではないかとの秘かな楽しみが湧いてきた次第です。老齢化が進むにつれて “無秩序なエントロピー” は増え続けて行きます、どうやって高齢化社会を “健康延寿” のスローガンのもとで生き続けるかを考える事は人類に与えられた永遠且つ最大の課題なのかも知れません。

I celebrated my 81st birthday on October 2, 2019. I would like to thank those many of you who sent me birthday greetings. I have written this reflective piece to share with everyone what I am thinking and where I’m at these days. My special thanks go to Dr. Carlos Paz de Araujo who has continuously provided me with enormous energy in my life.

Understanding Aging

Perhaps because I’m reaching an advanced age, I have much more contact with physicians these days. Being able to discuss issues in the field of medicine with a professional has become one of my recent enjoyments. One topic in particular has especially caught my attention. It’s a topic that shares a common thread with semiconductor engineering—an area with which, as you know, I have been closely involved through my works for over six decades now. The topic is how the concept of quantum mechanics, which I still don’t truly understand even today, is connected to modern medicine—how closely it is related to medicine and the life sciences—and to human life itself. This topic has really grabbed my attention. If this is what it means to understand aging, it has caught me off guard.

The issue was brought to my attention by a recent acquaintance, Dr. Hiromi Wada, emeritus professor at Kyoto University (who has long been a surgeon at Kyoto University Hospital). It is explained in detail in his latest book, “Cancer and Entropy”. After reading this book, I felt as though my eyes had suddenly opened.

I had first heard the term and learned the concept of “entropy” back when I was a student of electrical engineering at Osaka University. That means I’ve been stalked for more than 60 years in mind and body by a perplexing question that to this day still seems to make little sense. Many people will know that quantum mechanics is the fundamental theory behind the science that supports the semiconductor industry, which in turn drives modern economic development.

When you see the application of the concepts of entropy and quantum mechanics to medicine that pertains to human life and medical conditions such as cancer and stroke, the ideas take on an undeniable significance. Entropy is a concept that describes the irreversible disorder that affects the nearly 60 trillion cells making up the human body. One can understand entropy as molecular mechanisms being disturbed, resulting in a loss of equilibrium, coupled with a biological inability to return to the original ordered state. It would be like trying to turn waste products back into the original components they came from. This explanation helped me to understand the concept and its similar application to electron movement in atoms. The natural progression of cells toward disorder that increases with aging is the universal principle of entropy applied to the human organism. Explained as such, I found the concept easy to understand; the same angle could perhaps also be used to better understand quantum mechanics. By the way, two books that seem worth a read to understand more in this area are: ” What Is Life? The Physical Aspect of the Living Cell by Erwin Schrodinger” and ” Life on the Edge by Johnjoe McFadden and Jim Al-Khalili “.

What is the force that keeps “disordering entropy” in check and balances it with “entropic ordering?” It is the life force. This explanation has been quite persuasive for me. When I learned that it could explain the most basic functioning of the natural world—biochemical oxidation and deoxidization—I became even more impressed with the universality and greatness of this truth.

I am also quite interested in the mythology that God gave birth to humanity in contrast to the Darwinian theory of evolution, so already sitting on my bedside table is the international bestseller that address the issue, among many others—”Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind by Yuval Noah Harari”. I have already started to read this book.

In addition to the mystery of the birth of the universe and the birth of humanity, we must also look at the disruptions and disturbances occurring in global society today—the Trumpists in the United States, Brexit in the United Kingdom, the youth protests in Hong Kong, the nuclear threats of North Korea, the environmental activism of a Swedish girl, and other defining issues and conflicts that will take their place in history. I feel that we need to apply the lens of “order and disorder” to these phenomena in order to more comprehensively examine each issue. In an overextended capitalist economy, there are many people around the world who have become seriously concerned about the growing problem of the disordering effects of entropy that could lead to chaos.

I’m also starting to think it might be interesting to reexamine the Schrödinger equation, which is pertinent to this problem, and for which its creator, Erwin Schrodinger, the father of quantum mechanics, was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1933.

As aging progresses, disordering entropy will continue to increase, so how can an aging society maintain the “healthy longevity” it proclaims to strive toward? This question may turn out to be one of the most enduring and important questions that humanity faces
